hive (test)> select * from cl_student;OK1 chenli 212 xuzeng 223 xiaodan 234 hua 24
hive (test)> select * from cl_stu_sub;OK1 chinese2 english3 science5 nature
1、内连接。inner join,即基于on语句,仅列出表1和表2符合连接条件的数据。
hive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 sciencehive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a,cl_stu_sub b where a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 science
hive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 science4 hua 24 NULL NULL
hive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id where b.name='chinese';1 chenli 21 1 chinesehive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id where a.name='chenli';1 chenli 21 1 chinese
标准查询关键字执行顺序为 from->where->group by->having->order by
hive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b where a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 sciencehive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id and a.name='chenli';1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 NULL NULL3 xiaodan 23 NULL NULL4 hua 24 NULL NULLhive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id and b.name='chinese';1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 NULL NULL3 xiaodan 23 NULL NULL4 hua 24 NULL NULL
hive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a right outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 scienceNULL NULL NULL 5 nature
hive (test)> select a.*,b.* from cl_student a full outer join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 21 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 science4 hua 24 NULL NULLNULL NULL NULL 5 nature
5、左半开连接。left semi join,语法与左连接不一样,只能选择出左边表的数据,此数据符合on后面的条件。
semi join通常比inner join的效率更高
hive (test)>select a.* from cl_student a left semi join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 212 xuzeng 223 xiaodan 23hive (test)>select * from cl_student a left semi join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;1 chenli 212 xuzeng 223 xiaodan 23hive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a left semi join cl_stu_sub b on a.id=b.id;FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10009]: Line 1:11 Invalid table alias 'b'
hive (test)>select a.*,b.* from cl_student a join cl_stu_sub b;1 chenli 21 1 chinese1 chenli 21 2 english1 chenli 21 3 science1 chenli 21 5 nature2 xuzeng 22 1 chinese2 xuzeng 22 2 english2 xuzeng 22 3 science2 xuzeng 22 5 nature3 xiaodan 23 1 chinese3 xiaodan 23 2 english3 xiaodan 23 3 science3 xiaodan 23 5 nature4 hua 24 1 chinese4 hua 24 2 english4 hua 24 3 science4 hua 24 5 nature